Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Final Project 5

Final Project 5

Q Assignment Instructions Provide a clear indication (1-2 pages) of what you are investigating and its importance. Included in this section should be a background of the topic to provide context to the reader, a clear purpose statement, analysis of stakeholders interested in the research (i.e. why is the problem worth investigating, who would benefit and how, what are the practical implications of this research) and what are the practical implications of the research. In this section and throughout the paper, ideas and statements should not be subjective opinion and rather supported by previous research and with citation.

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Football sport considers as an essential and central part of daily life for many people around the world, involving the thrill and sometimes unexpectedly competition results, it has proven to be a force for social cohesion, and has strong economic effect. Clearly, it’s a historical lifelong strong competition between Barcelona and PSG, we already know that each club do their best to win the game in every positive and possible way, but sometimes mission is impossible. It’s head-to-head relation and it was the 4th time Barcelona faced PSG in the UEFA and have lost the match.